
Monthly Payment Status

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  7. Monthly Payment Status
Updated On: 05-01-2023 11:11 AM
Sl.NO Subject and Link
19 Click here to Download Details of Bills of Contractor and Payment mode in the month of September,2024.
18 Click here to Download Details of Bills of Contractor and Payment mode in the month of August,2024.
17 Click here to Download Details of Bills received in OOT, Vadinar of June, 2024
16 Click here to Download Details of Bills received in OOT, Vadinar of May, 2024
15 Click here to Download Details of Bills received in OOT, Vadinar of April, 2024
14 Click here to Download CONSOLIDATED Monthly Payment Status as on 29-02-2024 OF G.A. Department.
13 Tenders/Contracts under Integrity Pact – For the month of March 2024
12 Click here to Download Details of Bills of Contractor and Payment mode in the month of March,2024.
11 Click here to Download Details of Bills received in OOT, Vadinar of February,2024
10 Click here to Download CONSOLIDATED Monthly Payment Status as on 31-01-2024 OF G.A. Department.
09 Click here to Download the details of Bills of Contractors and payment made in the month of January, 2024
08 Click here to Download CONSOLIDATED Monthly Payment Status as on 31-12-2023 OF G.A. Department.
07 Click here Details of contractor and Payment made in the month of December, 2023.
06 Click here to Download CONSOLIDATED Monthly Payment Status as on 31-11-2023 OF G.A. Department.
05 Click here to Download Monthly Payment Status as on November 2023 OF OOT, Vadinar
04 Click here to Download Monthly Payment Status as on 31-11-2023 OF G.A. Department.
03 Click here to Download Monthly Payment Status as on 31-08-2023 OF G.A. Department.
02 Click here to Download Monthly Payment Status as on 30-06-2023 OF G.A. Department.
01 Click here to Download Monthly Payment Status as on 31-05-2023 OF G.A. Department.
